Sunday 1 November 2015

Intensity is Key

I was covering my usual Swimfit session today and noticed one of my girls swimming leisurely on her front and back using her legs but not much her arms.  From where I was standing  I couldn't see her being slightly out of breath, which she should have been if she wanted to get the health benefits of exercise.

When she was at my end of the pool I asked her what her fitness goals were?   She told me that it was to lose body fat and improve her stamina.  I informed her in order to achieve her fitness goals she needed to be upping her intensity by using her arms fully, thereby increasing her heart rate as she would be using all her limbs and therefore needing to burn more body fat for energy.

Once she started to implement my advice she started to get more out of breath and had to rest after each length.  I told her that this is what she should be aiming for each time in order to achieve her goals.

A lot of people think that if they just turn up to a pool, gym or class that they will have the fat burning off their bodies in next to no time but like life you only get out what you put in and if you want to lose weight, build muscle or increase stamina or flexibility you have to work for it.

Until science comes up with a pill to get you fit or a fitness surrogate who will do the work for you people will have to put the effort in to get the fitness results that they want and desire.

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