Wednesday 25 November 2015

5 Ways to Help you Lose Weight before Christmas

It's just over one month to go before Christmas and if you'll looking to lose a few pounds from now to than here are my top 5 tips to help you squeeze into that 'little black dress' or dashing tuxedo for the party season:-

1.) Eat regular healthy meals and snacks:- Ensure you eat regularly in order to keep your metabolism and energy levels up.  This will also reduce the risk of overeating at meal times or grabbing a sugary snack, as energy levels will be more steady and you won't be looking for an energy boost.  Make sure that your foods are healthy, containing a good source of protein such as fish and chicken, carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice and pasta and plenty of fruit and vegetables, which contain vital vitamins and minerals.

2.) Avoid Fizzy Drinks:- Cut out full sugar fizzy drinks as they are filled with loads of sugar and calories.  A 2 litre bottle of Coke contains 800 calories, so you can see how quickly you could rack up the calories by just having a few drinks during the day. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water instead to keep you hydrated and keep your metabolism up.

3.) Keep a Food Diary:- Write down everything that you eat and drink.  This will help you to focus and see where you are going wrong and fix it. 

4.) Control your Portion Sizes:- Ensure half of your dinner plate contains vegetables, a quarter of the plate with a protein source and a quarter containing a good source of carbohydrates.

5.) Be more Active:- Start moving your body more, ditch the car and walk instead.  Go for a jog or attend a fitness class.  Doing this will not only help you to burn calories but you will be more likely to choose the healthier types of food to eat as well.

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