Saturday 7 November 2015

Herbalife F1 Breakfast Shake v McDonald's Breakfast

Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as this enables your body to be refuelled after a good night's sleep. In fact the very name literally means 'breaking your fast' as your body has had 6-8 hours of no nourishment and needs nutrients to replenish its stores, ready to face the day ahead.

However in our ever increasing busy world, many people either skip breakfast, which will encourage people to grab a sugary snack later on as their body crashes and over eat during their next meal, encouraging weight gain. Or they grab a breakfast on the go such as a McDonald's.

There is an alternative to getting the best nutrients into your body which is quick and easy.

 The Herbalife Formula One protein shake is a meal replacement drink that has all the nutrients your body needs but is well balanced and low in calories and fat and high in protein, which will keep you fuller for longer.  It comes in 8 tasty flavours such as chocolate, tropical fruit, cookies and cream,  strawberry and cappuccino.

Below I have compared Herbalife F1's nutritional content with a few examples from McDonald's official UK breakfast menu.  

Herbalife F1                                                   V            McDonalds Sausage and Egg McMuffin

Cals  (depending on flavour):- 220-225                       458

Fat:- 6.3g                                                                      20g

Protein:- 17.4g                                                              Not shown

Herbalife F1                                                   V            McDonalds Bacon and Egg McMuffin

Cals  (depending on flavour):- 220-225                       348

Fat:- 6.3g                                                                      17g

Protein:- 17.4g                                                              Not shown

Herbalife F1                                                   V   McDonalds Sausage, Egg and Cheese Bagel

Cals  (depending on flavour):- 220-225                       562

Fat:- 6.3g                                                                      28g

Protein:- 17.4g                                                              Not shown

Herbalife F1                                                   V            McDonald's Big Breakfast

Cals  (depending on flavour):- 220-225                       611

Fat:- 6.3g                                                                      35g

Protein:- 17.4g                                                              Not shown

The McDonald's items are singular but if you add a harsh brown (136 cals/8.2 fat) and a Mocha (318 cals/11g) and add these to a McDonalds Sausage, egg and Cheese Bagel, than total calorie intake would be 1016 and fat intake 47.2g!

Total daily calorie intake for a woman is around 2,000 calories and for a man it is 2,500.

Total daily fat intake is recommended to be 70g.

So if you choose the McDonald's version of a breakfast you have consumed a large part of your total calorie intake for the day and nearly all of your total fat intake for that day as well!

If you want to lose weight and you are finding that you are skipping breakfast or having a McDonald's regularly than maybe it's time to try Herbalife.

Contact me if you're interested in trying out our 6 day breakfast trial pack for only £10!

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