Saturday 14 November 2015

5 Tips to Keep You Motivated

Cold days and long nights can lead to many of us at this time of year to get tempted to stay at home on the sofa, rather than go to the gym or a class.  It starts to get hard to keep yourself motivated when it's raining outside and the pull of the sofa and warmth of the living room is so strong.

Fear not, here's my top 5 tips to keep yourself motivated during the autumn/winter seasons:-

1.)  Get a gym buddy- Training with a friend will motivate you both and bring the best out of you.  You will be motivated to push yourself harder and further to try to better each other in friendly competition.  Having a gym buddy will reduce the temptation of deciding not to go as you don't want to let your buddy down.

2.) Go to gym/class straight from work/college:- Take out the temptation of staying on that sofa by packing your kit the night before and go straight there.  Have a snack, such as a Herbalife protein bar before hand to get you through it and have your dinner after.  If the class ends too late for dinner than have your dinner at lunch time and have a lighter meal such as a Herbalife meal replacement shake for dinner instead.

3.) Hire a Personal Trainer:- If you need motivation than a personal trainer could be the answer.  A personal trainer will ensure you are doing the exercises correctly, so they are as effective as they can be and will teach you new exercises to help challenge your body in order to gain the results that you want.

4.)  Try something new: - Try out a new exercise routine or class in order to challenge yourself and gain results.

5.) Set yourself a fitness goal:- Set yourself a realistic goal such as aiming to lose a stone in 3 months or being able to do 10 full push ups in 6 weeks. You can join the Herbalife Weight Loss or Level 10 challenges and be in with the chance of winning cash prizes.   Setting yourself a goal will help you to stay focused and maintain motivation.  You can even share your goals on social media in order to motivate you to stick to it and be successful.

I hope these tips have helped to keep you motivated at this time of year and if anyone is interested in either of the Herbalife challenges and products or personal training, please get in touch.

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