Saturday 26 September 2015

Go Hard or Go Home!

I was covering a circuit class this week and was astounded by how many thought they could just turn up and put minimal effort into it and would still miraculously achieve their fitness goals somehow.

I come from a martial arts background and maybe I'm a bit unusual that I love to push myself to my limits and feel a sense of achievement when I have come out the other side fitter and stronger, both physically and mentally for it.

My attitude is what's the point of turning up if you don't work hard enough to gain the results that you've come there to achieve?  You might as well stay at home and save your money!

During the hour I did get them to work hard and a couple did appreciate the extra push I gave them, minus a couple of silly girls who found it too hard and sneaked out.

They do say people gravitate to those people that are similar to themselves and hold the same views and beliefs.  That's maybe why many of my regulars come from a martial art or army background or those not scared of putting themselves into the forge of fitness and becoming a better, stronger person for it and the gym bunnies who can do 5 classes in a row and not produce a drop of sweat (because they're only playing at it) tend not to like my classes.

Well give me 5 people who are willing to go hard in a class than 30 who are just there fooling themselves and should just go home.


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