Friday 4 September 2015

Little Things Add Up To Big Things

During our busy lives we are often looking for the big payoff, dismissing things that seem of smaller value.  However it's these little things that can build up over time to make a huge difference.

 This way of thinking reminds me of the question 'would you take £5 million right away or be given 1p that would double in value every day for one month and at the end of this time you would keep the amount.' 

Most people would take the £5 million and run thinking the 1p a day doubling in value every day couldn't add up to very much.  However they would be greatly wrong because if they chose the 1p  doubling in value each day (day 2- 1 + 1 = 2p, day 3, 2 + 2 = 4p) at the end of the month you would have accumulated over £10 million!

So the small things that we consider of no real value, in this case 1p, over a relatively short time has become worth more than the £5 million that was originally offered.

We can use this concept in our daily lives and make our lives 'richer' for it.  Here are 5 examples of how seemingly small things can add up to big things to help you get fitter and healthier.

1.) Swap full fat milk for semi skimmed:- you would save 42 calories and 4.4g of fat per serving.   Over 1 year  swapping 1 serving per day would add up to saving you over 15,000 calories and 1.6kg of fat!  If you went from full fat to skimmed you would save over 24,000 calories and 2.7 kgs of fat! That's about as much fat that's in 270 mars bars!

2.) Swap regular crisps with low-fat- eating a bag a day over 1 year you would save yourself 24,966 calories and lose 3.2kg of fat if you made the swap.

3.) Swap 1 meal a day with a Herbalife nutritional shake:- over 1 year instead of having your chicken salad sandwich, full fat crisps and bottle of Coke and have a shake instead, you would save 205,495 calories (equivalent of 366 hours on the treadmill) and between 10-14lbs of fat loss!  You'd also save yourself the best part of £600!

4.) Swap 1 tablespoon  to 1 teaspoon of oil per person in a dish:- doing this and you'd save yourself 32,850 calories and lose 4.3kg fat (savings based on 1 serving per day over 1 year).

5.) Swap deep- fried chips with home made chunky chips with spray oil:- Do this with your 2 servings per week and you'd save 18,475 calories and lose over 2.3kg fat over 1 year.

For more information on Herbalife products, business opportunities or personal training please get in touch.

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