Saturday 3 October 2015

Count Down To Christmas

There are now 3 months left until Christmas is upon us and so if you seriously want to look your best during this seasonal period, than you need to act now rather than a month before, otherwise it will be too late!

Here are my top 5 tips to get you into the best shape you can be.

1.) Mix up your fitness routine- your body adapts very quickly and if you've been doing the same programme for a long time you are no longer getting the benefits that you did when you first started doing it. Try something completely different to shock your body into responding and improving.  Try new exercises, classes, increase reps/sets, decrease rest times etc.

2.) Train with a buddy- If you train with a buddy you are less likely to skip work outs and you can help push each other further.

3.) Include resistance training- in your fitness programme ensure you include some form of resistance training, either weights or body weight.   Use compound movements (exercises that include a lot of muscles at the same time-squats, push ups, shoulder press, rows and dead lifts etc).  This will help give you a lean, strong and toned body.  Adding a bit of muscle will help you burn fat at rest as your metabolism speeds up.

4.) Drink plenty of water- lack of water will make you feel sluggish and may cause weight gain, migraines and constipation.  Topping up throughout the day with water will ensure you keep yourself hydrated and you will have the energy and motivation to exercise.

5.) Eat right- 80% of weight management is nutrition.  So if you don't get this right than forget it.  Ensure you eat every 3-4 hours to keep your metabolism sped up.  This breaks down into 3 main meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2-3 healthy snacks in between.  Try a Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake for breakfast or lunch and a Formula 1 24 Sport shake for a recovery drink after your work out.  Have a piece of fruit or Herbalife protein bar for a healthy snack.

Start your routine now and you will be ready to look your best this Christmas.  If you're interested in any of the Herbalife products or want a FREE Wellness Assessment to see where you are and what needs improving then get in touch.

All the best and see you next week.

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