Sunday 20 September 2015

Doggie Fitness

This week I've done something that I haven't done before which is to run a exercise class for both dog and their owner.

This came about when during my time as a fitness professional I've spoken to various dog owners who say they've walked their dogs for exercise but have still struggled with their weight.

After asking some open questions I normally find out that they just walk the dog and they're not pushing themselves enough to get the health benefits of exercising.

The health benefits for both human and dog are helping to prevent or reduce obesity, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, mental conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress and for humans, diabetes type 2 and certain cancers.  It also helps increase stamina, muscular strength, flexibility, bone density and motor skills such as agility and balance.

In order to do enough to get the full benefits you have to use moderate intensity which is feeling slightly out of breath, slightly uncomfortable and slightly perspiring and ensuring you keep active for a large part of the day rather than being sedentary and eating healthily.

I approached my good friend Tony Cruse, who is a dog trainer situated in Galleywood, Chelmsford and ran it by him and he thought it a good idea to use it as a one off at his regular Tuesday Club, where I'd be guest instructor.

Before we started I asked the group if they felt that when they took their dogs out that they were doing it at a moderate intensity and most of them thought that they were.

 During the class I was encouraging them to reach their moderate intensity levels and afterwards they could see the difference of what they had thought was 'moderate' intensity and what they had really been doing, which had been exercising at a much lower intensity and would therefore grant them at best little health gains and at worst no health gains at all! 

In the future they will adopt a slightly more vigorous approach where they will be performing at a higher rate and start to gain the health benefits of exercising.

Exercising with your dog can help increase the bond between owner and dog, communication,  reduce a dog's destructive behaviour, reduce boredom and increase feelings of wellbeing for both.

Dogs and owners alike enjoyed the morning class and I look forward to returning to do something similar again.

Thanks to Tony for letting me hi-jack his class for the morning and if anyone wants to contact him for dog training or buy his best selling book, 101 Doggie Dilemmas can contact him at:-

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