Sunday 7 June 2015

5 Ways to Get a Beach Body This Summer

Summer's officially here and the sun is making an appearance more often and staying longer, so here are my 5 top tips for getting a killer beach body for this season.

1.) Work Smart:- Make sure the work out you do works the whole body and cardiovascular system (heart), in order to burn the most fat and work all your muscles effectively.  Ensure you use compound movements that use more than one muscle at a time such as squats, presses and rows.

2.)  Mix Up Your Routine:- If you have followed the same routine for ages it's no longer fresh and your body has already gotten used to it and the programme has gone stale.  Mix it up in order to challenge the body again and start to see results. Introduce new exercises into the programme, change up the amount of reps, sets and weights you use or the time, intensity or the frequency of the work out.

3.) Don't Over Train:- So many people I see think that they're get the results they want by exercising all the time.  No, this is the best way to scupper your plans to get the body you want as you run the risk of overtraining and causing an injury.  Your body only has enough energy for 1 - 1.5 hours stored in it's muscles and liver, after this it starts to burn muscle rather than fat!  Muscle helps to burn fat while you rest, so this is not a good idea.  Also there's more chance of getting an injury as your body tires and you start making mistakes.

4.) Allow Time to Rest:- This is often neglected the body needs as much time to rest as it does training.  It needs time to rebuild the muscles that has been broken down during training and needs the time for it to rebuild in order to make it stronger.  If you start to exercise again before the body has rested fully you won't get the results you want.

5.) Get the Right Nutrition:- 80% of getting the best results is down to nutrition.  The body needs the right nutrition in order to repair itself during rest.  It needs macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals in order to make the body leaner, stronger and fitter.  Try Herbalife's 24 endurance rebuild or Formula 1 protein shake in order to get the best possible results that your hard work of training deserves. 
Contact me for more details if you want to get in the best shape you have ever been.

Anyone who wishes to contact me for advice on exercise or nutrition please feel free to contact me via phone, e-mail or blog etc it would be great to hear from you.

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