Friday 26 June 2015

The Great Outdoors

Summer's finally here, so why don't you try these outside activities as an alternative to exercising indoors.

1.) Jog outside- Swap the treadmill for a run in the local park, not only will you burn calories you will get the benefits that is associated with exercising outdoors, such as increased levels of happiness,  well being and reducing levels of anxiety.

2.) Cycling - Why don't you take your bike out to the local park, many areas have country parks that have bike lanes and trails suitable for both road and mountain bikes. 

3.)   Outdoor gyms- There are plenty of outdoor gyms that have popped up in our local parks in the past few years to help locals to keep fit.  Many have equipment that will work all the muscles of the body including chest, shoulder and leg presses to name but a few.

Check out this website to find your nearest outdoor gym:-

4.) Walk the dog- amazingly there are 40% of dog owners in this country who never walk their dogs!

If you've got a dog than walk it regularly to keep both you and your dog fit.  If you haven't got a dog you can always borrow one.

5.) Swim- London still has a large number of ponds and lidos open where you can swim outdoors.  A lot of these date back to the 1930's.  Swimming is a great form of exercise that works all the muscles of the body and heart and lungs.

Check out the link below for a list of the best in London:-

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