Sunday 21 June 2015

No Pain No Gain

The other night I bumped into a lady who used to come to my Boxercise Kick class but had since stopped coming.

She said that she had lost weight coming to my class but since giving up she'd put on 7lbs!

When I asked her why she had left my class she complained that my class had made her out of breath and sweaty!

I explained to her that in order to get results and receive the health benefits of fitness you need to train in the fitness zone which means you are slightly out of breath, sweating and feel slightly uncomfortable.

If the exercise is too easy why would the body need to improve?  Answer:- It won't because it doesn't need to.

Only when we push the body will we get the results we want by putting in the time and effort.

On the other hand if you push yourself too hard and feel sick and dizzy than this is too much and you run the risk of injury.

As the old saying goes 'no pain, no gain', you need to exercise outside that comfort zone, results aren't made there, only laziness and backsliding awaits you.

However the pain this saying is referring to is the muscular pain, 'the burn,' as it were.  If you feel any SHARP pain than STOP as this is your body's warning system telling you that you are damaging it in some way and gives you pain to stop you causing further damage.

I'll add to this old saying with two of my own, which I often use, 'If it's not hurting, it's not working' and 'If it hurts it works.'

I hope to see you outside the comfort zone very soon.

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