Friday 29 May 2015

Top 5 Ways to Sneak In Your Daily Exercise

Government health guidelines advise us to do 30 minutes of exercise or activity a day for at least 5 days per week to maintain health and wellbeing.  You don't even have to do all the 30 minutes at once but break it up into smaller bites, in order for them to be more manageable.

Here is my top 5 tips in getting your 30 minutes of daily exercise in the sneaky way.

1) - The advert challenge- the average advert lasts for 30 seconds and the commercial breaks between programmes is on average lasts around 3 minutes in total.  So why don't you do a mini circuit during this time.  Choose a different exercise for each advert such as push ups, squats and jogging on the spot.

2)- Walk to work- ditch the car or jump off the bus/train one or two stops earlier to get a bit more exercise in.

3)- Use the stairs- use stairs instead of the lift, you'll be amazed how much more exercise you could get done.

4)- Park the car the furthest way from the shops- when shopping park your car the furthest away so it will force you to walk further and get a weight lifting session in as well when carrying all those shopping bags back to the car after a full day of shopping!

5) Take a walk after lunch-to help aid digestion and burn off some of those calories!

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