Saturday 16 May 2015

How To Get Your Kids More Active

Kids are naturally active and are filled with bags of energy that they need to expend during the day but increasingly kids activity levels have declined, leading to an increase in childhood obesity.  In fact childhood obesity has tripled in England over the past 25 years.

Here are a few ideas to keep your kids active and fit:-

1.) Be a good role model yourself:- monkey see, monkey do, ensure your little monkeys see you being active and they will copy you.  If they see you sitting on the sofa all day what do you think they're going to do?

2.) Walk to school:- ditch the car or bus and walk to school. 

3.)  Limit T.V and computer time:- T.V and computers have their place but too much time spent in front of them can lead to problems.

4.) Take your kids out to the park:- kids love running around so take your kids to the park and have a game of football or ride a bike/scooter.

5.) Take a walk in the forest:- Take a walk in the forest, enjoying some of the surrounding nature and wildlife. 

6.) Go swimming:- make a splash and try swimming.

7.) Try rollerblading or skateboarding:- this is great exercise for the legs, improving balance and stamina.

8.) Join a sports club:- Cricket, football, karate, basketball, dancing, whatever the sport or activity choose something your kid loves and they've got more chance of sticking to it.

9.) Take them to the playground:- kids love to play on the roundabout, monkey bars, swing or climbing frame, all these will help to improve their core stability, balance, fat burning, toning and muscular strength.

10.) Play games- try a game of 'IT', 'British Bulldog' or 'leapfrog' to improve, stamina, agility and toning.

Kids need 1.5 hours a day to keep active, try some or all these tips to help your kids to keep healthy and active.

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