Sunday 26 April 2015

Want to Change? Than Change Your Habits First

In life many people have dreams and goals that they want to achieve but many never reach them, so why is this?

In order to truly reach your goals, whether it is to get that 'summer beach body' or that dream job, you need to change your habits in your life that are holding you back, in order to start moving towards your goal.

Planning is everything.  You need to start breaking old habits and make new ones, that will help you to get where you need to be.  If you do the same old thing, nothing will change and you will just plod along in life and your goals will forever be a distant dream.  Why should your life change for the better if you aren't prepared to change yourself.

Change is hard, we are all creatures of habit and enjoy being in our comfort zone and don't like being out of it but in order to improve we must venture out of our comfort zone, that's when the opportunities come and things can start to change.

12 years ago I was stuck in an office job which I didn't like and so I actively decided to change it. I was already a Karate instructor and liked the idea of becoming a fitness professional and helping people to get fit.   I approached the YMCA and got my Gym Instructor Level 2 and got a part time job, while I was still doing my office job and after a year left my jobs and took a 3 month break touring America with my girlfriend (another dream) and than when we got back found a job as a door supervisor (outside my comfort zone) to get some money than got a full time gym instructor job in London.

So I didn't just sit there moaning about my job and dreaming about becoming an instructor I took responsibility, took charge and did something about it.  It was scary, I had been in that job for 12 years but it was more scary thinking that I could be sitting there for another 30 odd, watching my dreams fade away, so I decided to take a chance and take that leap of faith into the unknown.

It worked for me, when I was a gym instructor I pushed myself forward, gaining my qualifications in GP Referral and classes such as Boxercise and Body Combat, so I was always developing and improving as an instructor and as a person.

Along with my wife Tonya, we opened up Titan Freestyle Martial Arts, first in Woodford then in Walthamstow and we had a fantastic time teaching both children and adults and met a lot of great people during those years and gained some trophies for the club from martial arts tournaments that our students attended.

So if you want to achieve your dreams, take charge and start to break those habits that are holding you back and start making the changes needed to make the difference.

Work outside your comfort zone as much as possible because that's where the magic happens and things start to change.

Don't care what other people think, do what you feel is right and just do it.

Fear is only an emotion use it, control it, don't let it control you and your dreams and goals can come true.

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