Friday 17 April 2015

Exercise is Key to Improving Quality of Life

In my job as a fitness professional I see a lot of people from all different walks of life,  ages and cultures but all have one thing in common, they all want to get fitter.  Whether that is to lose weight, build muscle, increase stamina, flexibility, help improve their diet or a combination of these things.  What can also separate them is attitude.  I see those who will work their arses off and control their food intake therefore getting the results they want and those that are 'playing' at getting fit.  You know the ones going through the motions, not putting themselves out of their comfort zones not addressing their diet and therefore not getting the results they want and blaming others for their failures.  As an instructor it can be frustrating to try and train someone who doesn't really want to properly train and I sometimes feel like I am hitting my head against a brick wall and my advice and teachings fall on deaf ears. 

However there are times that come about that makes me proud to be a fitness professional and I can see the results that have come about when someone listens to what I have to say, puts it into practice with planning and determination and truly gets the results they deserve.

  One day this week I had two different people, both were elderly and had breathing problems.  During their 12 week review one lady said she can stand for longer and therefore doesn't have to sit when she showers and can now walk for a mile!  The other a man now has a stronger upper body, more energy, his diabetes is more under control, has increased stamina and is less out of breath!  Because they pushed themselves a little, therefore encouraging the body to improve, they have got the results that they wanted and improved their quality of life. 

We sometimes take our health for granted and wouldn't even think about taking a seat when showering or having to stop every few steps because we're out of breath. Exercise not only helps to improve our fitness levels and  achieve more in our lives therefore improving the quality of it, exercise can be used also for prevention.  Why wait for you to get a serious medical condition like heart disease or diabetes.  Prevention is better than cure, jump on that bike, go for a jog and eat a bit healthier and who knows what you could achieve.

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