Saturday 11 April 2015

Best way for Men to Lose Belly Fat

According to a recent study by Harvard School of  Public Health, 20 minutes of weight training a day helped to lower the increase of abdominal fat among healthy men, compared with those who performed 20 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous cardio per day.

10,500 men aged 40 and over were studied over a period of 12 years.  They examined their activities, body weight and measured their waist circumferences.  They discovered that the group that did only weight training had a lower waist line compared with those that did only aerobic exercise.  The best results came when both weight  and aerobic training were combined. 

 As we age our bodies lose muscle mass, this can be prevented if weight and aerobic training are combined.  This will help to build or maintain muscle mass, helping to increase metabolism,  therefore burning body fat at rest.

So if you want to maintain a lean strong body throughout your years than a combination of both types of exercises can help maintain a healthier waistline.

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