Sunday 9 December 2012

Six ways to stay healthy this Christmas

Oh no it's Christmas! All those mince pies, Christmas cake, party food and booze, not a good time for our waistlines. However it doesn't have to be as bad as you may think. There are plenty of healthy things you can do over this period to counter balance the not so good. Below are six of the best ways to keep yourself healthier this year. 1) Fill up your fruit bowl:- Studies show that only 30% of U.K adults eat the recommended five portions of fruit and veg a day. Clementines are in season now and are packed full with essential nutrients including vitamin C, that can boost your immune system and help reduce the chances of getting a cold. So fill up your bowl with these and other fruits in season such as , pears, apples and cranberries. 2)Eat some nuts:- Walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts and almonds are all a great source of calcium, which helps build strong bones and teeth. The British Heart Foundation recommends we eat a handful a day and there's evidence that they can even reduce cholesterol. Just ensure they are the unsalted variety. 3) Get Dancing:- With the success of 'Strictly' there's never been a better time to go dancing. Ballroom, disco or salsa it doesn't matter what it is as long as you move that body. Depending on intensity and your weight you can burn over 400 calories dancing. If you're dancing you consume less booze and party food as well. Now the party season is here, why not take advantage and burn some extra calories on the dance floor. 4)Tuck into that Turkey:- Turkey is a great low fat source of protein, which helps build and repair muscle. Use leftovers to make a healthy and tasty dish like turkey stew or curry. 5)Eat your sprounts:- These little vegetables are a good source of vitamins A and C, folic acid and fibre. Also believed to protect the body against colon cancer. 6)Stay active:- During the slump between Christmas and New Year's Day, why don't you keep active and go for a walk, jog or a bike ride to burn off some of that Chrismas dinner, rather then sitting in front of the t.v. and going through yet another box of chocolates.

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