Sunday 16 December 2012

Royal College of Physicians Report on Exercise

The Royal College of Physicians recently published a report that outlined several recommendations to ensure exercise and physical activity is a routine part of prevention and management of chronic conditions. The report called for a development of a medically driven national strategy to use exercise in the prevention and treatment of disease, the recommendation of training medical students in how exercise can be used as a preventive measure against diseases and the regulation of exercise therapists who treat patients. I see this as a big step forward which will benefit the patients as well as the fitness industry. Working as a exercise on referral instructor I am starting to see a lot more clients whose GP have sent them to me to help reduce their blood pressure or cholesterol levels naturally, rather than giving them pills to take. Doctors are slowly coming round to the thinking that in some cases, exercise can be a truely beneficial alternative to medicine, which can make a huge difference to the health and well-being of their patients and this report can only help to encourage more GPs to do the same.

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