Sunday 23 December 2012

I Love My 'Real Job.'

Today I was doing my rounds around the gym, chatting to the various members who have come early this fine Sunday morning to burn off a few calories before the food and drink binge which is the Christmas celebrations. I was chatting to one of my client's whose complaining that he works long hours and spends most of the working day chained to his desk. While I was advising him that he could try getting up from his desk and walking to a work mate's desk, rather than sending an e-mail and taking a walk after lunch rather than eating at his desk and other helpful tips, he asked me, 'and what do you do for a real job?' I replied that I considered what I do as a real job and a very rewarding one at that, as there are not many professions that can make a huge difference to people's health, quality of life, general wellbeing, the pretential to extend somebody's life and saving the NHS money in preventing or reducing the risks of diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and obesity. There seems to be an attitude in this country that leisure is seen as just a hobby and you should only do it if you can afford it or have the time, rather than consider exercise as an important part of life that should be included somewhere in peoples busy lives. A lot of other countries consider exercise as an important part of life and wouldn't dream of it as just an 'add on.' We will continue to have an obesity problem in this country unless we shake off this attitude and consider exercise and being active in general as a must, rather than merely a hobby.

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