Sunday 14 February 2016

Be More Active More Often

Being active more often no matter what your age will help reduce the risk of developing a number of medical conditions,  as being more active and being less sedentary will help strengthen your body and make it much more healthier and fitter. 

Below is a list from NHS Choices, Live Well of how much being more active can help reduce the risk of developing certain diseases and medical conditions and by how much:-

Lower risk of depression and dementia- up to 30%

Lower risk of heart disease and stroke - up to 35%

Lower risk of type 2 diabetes or colon cancer - up to 50%

Lower risk of osteoarthritis - up to 83%

Lower risk of early death - 30%.

As you can see if you move your body more and spend less time sitting around you can live a healthier and fitter life and help reduce the risk of getting the above or controlling some of these medical conditions better if you already have them.

Government guidelines suggest to perform 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise/activity 5 days a week. The definition of moderate exercise is described as being slightly out of breath and slightly perspiring.  Activities include walking, gardening, housework, aerobic classes, cycling, jogging and swimming.

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