Monday 24 August 2015

If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again

If something is of value and is worth doing than you have to invest your time and effort into it or you won't appreciate it at all.

Often you won't get it right first, second maybe even the third time but if you stick at it and have a goal in mind you will get there in the end.

If you give up because the journey to fitness seems too hard and it seems you're the only one whose trying to make an effect when everyone else is stuffing their faces with Big Macs and going to the pub and getting drunk every weekend than you will never discover your true potential.

A beautiful view from the mountain top can only happen if you make the effect to start that long, hard journey and start to walk up that mountain.  Nobody is going to do it for you.

We live in such an immediate society that we want results right now!  That's why the celebrity crash diets are so popular because they promise you the results you desire in a matter of weeks not years.

However the sad truth is that if it has taken you years to put on weight, do you really think that it's going to be quick to take it all back off?  Of course not, because you won't sell as many products if you say, 'you too can have a body like this in 5 years time!'

However think about it for a moment.  Everyone has a certain amount of years on this earth and it's down to you how you choose to spend it.  So if you could get to the perfect shape but it would take you 5 years to get there why don't you?  5 years doing it the right way and than you just have to maintain, compared with taking 5 years worth of short cuts and after 5 years being bigger and more unhappy than when you first started.

So why don't you make those first steps, if you relapse don't worry, it's all part of life, just dust yourself down and carry on and NEVER EVER give up.

 That mountain view is waiting and its down to you and you alone to decide to get to the top or not.

If you want me to help you to get to the top of that mountain than please get in touch.

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