Saturday 29 August 2015

Enjoy a Healthy Barbecue

It's summer and now is the perfect time to fire up the barbecue, invite some friends and family round and have a catch up.

Cooking outside is a great experience when it's hot rather than being stuck in a stuffy kitchen.

Barbeques don't have to be unhealthy if you choose healthier options, so you can enjoy great healthy food and your waistline will thank you for it.

Here are my top 5 tips in keeping your barbecue healthy and guilt free:-

1.) Choose healthier protein:- Buy better quality burgers and sausages, which have a higher percentage of meat in them rather than the cheaper variety which is often bulked out with inferior ingredients such as breadcrumbs and rusk and will contain more saturated fats.  If possible treat yourself to some steak this is pure meat with nothing added to it and is a great source of iron and protein. 

2.) Eat more white meat:- chicken and fish are an excellent source of protein and contains less saturated fat than red meat, such as beef, pork and lamb.  However ensure that these are cooked all the way through to make sure all the bacteria has been killed and avoid any food poisoning.

3.) Have loads of salad:- Pile up your plate with fresh salad.  Vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. It also contains fibre and water which not only is low calories (fibre is a carbohydrate so does have some calories-water has none) but will help fill you up!  Doing this will help to stop you over eating on the meats.  However be careful not to over indulge with dressings, salad cream, coleslaw and potato salad which is high in saturated fats and are loaded with calories.

4.) Have a snack before going:- Have a snack or light meal before going, so you won't arrive starving hungry and run the risk of wolfing down the food and overeating.

5.) Be more active:- If you know you're going out and maybe consuming more calories than you normally would, than try having a work out beforehand, to burn a few extra calories.  Remember more calories in than out will cause weight gain and more calories expended than consumed will result in weight loss!

So as you can see you can have a healthy barbecue by just making a few adjustments here and there.  Enjoy some outdoor activities while you can and I'll see you next week.

Monday 24 August 2015

If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again

If something is of value and is worth doing than you have to invest your time and effort into it or you won't appreciate it at all.

Often you won't get it right first, second maybe even the third time but if you stick at it and have a goal in mind you will get there in the end.

If you give up because the journey to fitness seems too hard and it seems you're the only one whose trying to make an effect when everyone else is stuffing their faces with Big Macs and going to the pub and getting drunk every weekend than you will never discover your true potential.

A beautiful view from the mountain top can only happen if you make the effect to start that long, hard journey and start to walk up that mountain.  Nobody is going to do it for you.

We live in such an immediate society that we want results right now!  That's why the celebrity crash diets are so popular because they promise you the results you desire in a matter of weeks not years.

However the sad truth is that if it has taken you years to put on weight, do you really think that it's going to be quick to take it all back off?  Of course not, because you won't sell as many products if you say, 'you too can have a body like this in 5 years time!'

However think about it for a moment.  Everyone has a certain amount of years on this earth and it's down to you how you choose to spend it.  So if you could get to the perfect shape but it would take you 5 years to get there why don't you?  5 years doing it the right way and than you just have to maintain, compared with taking 5 years worth of short cuts and after 5 years being bigger and more unhappy than when you first started.

So why don't you make those first steps, if you relapse don't worry, it's all part of life, just dust yourself down and carry on and NEVER EVER give up.

 That mountain view is waiting and its down to you and you alone to decide to get to the top or not.

If you want me to help you to get to the top of that mountain than please get in touch.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

60% more people Living with Diabetes

According to a new report by Diabetes UK there are 60% more people living with diabetes in the UK compared with 10 years ago, which is an increase of more than 1.2 million.

Diabetes is a condition that stops the body being able to control its blood sugar levels effectively and  leading in worst cases to blindness and amputation.

Diabetes UK are warning that this huge growth in numbers over the last decade reflects an urgent need for effective care for people already living with the disease as well as highlighting the importance of prevention.

The 1.2 million increase of new sufferers is the equivalent of the population of a small country such as Cyprus!

Diabetes already costs the NHS nearly £10 billion a year and 80% of this is spent on managing avoidable complications.

About 90% of cases are type 2 which is closely associated with obesity and poor lifestyle choices such as a bad diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

If your BMI is 30 or more and you already have diabetes in the family you are at a much higher risk developing the type 2 version compared with those who are a healthy weight and don't have a family history of diabetes.

 The best way to reduce the risk is to get a handle on your nutritional habits and start to get more active, more often.  Below are my top 5 tips to get you started:-

1.) Start off slowly:- If you're new to exercise start off slowly, try doing an activity that lasts about 30 minutes, 3 times a week, using moderate intensity levels (slightly out of breath and slightly uncomfortable and makes you perspire) and gradually build it up to 60 minutes 2-3 times per week.

2.) Be Active more often:- It's no good going to the gym or an exercise class 2 - 3 times per week but for the rest of the time you're chained to a desk at work and at home glued to the sofa, watching T.V. Try cycling or jogging to work, get off the bus/train a stop earlier and walk, go for a walk at lunch time,  wash the car or do some gardening at home to burn off some extra calories.

3.) Stay hydrated:- Our body is made up of 70% water and so it's important to stay hydrated. This will help keep your energy levels up as dehydration has been known to cause fatigue, kidney problems, migraines, constipation and even weight gain.  Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, more if you're exercising or it's hot.  If you want to add flavour to your water why not try Herbalife's Lift Off which comes in orange or lemon and lime and has the added bonus of providing you with an energy boost without the excess sugar of other energy drinks or Herbalife's Thermojetics tea which even helps to boost energy and help burn calories and comes in 4 great flavours of peach, lemon, raspberry and original.

4.) Get your nutrition right:- To keep your blood sugar levels steady its important to eat regularly and the right types of food to keep your energy levels up and give you all the nutrition your body needs.  It's also important to choose foods that don't contain excess fats and sugar that can often be found in high energy foods such as  biscuits, cakes and chocolate.
 Try a Herbalife protein shake instead for breakfast or lunch, its a perfect and well balanced nutritional meal and will give you a steady flow of energy throughout the day and keep your blood sugar levels steady.

5.) Ensure you eat regularly:- You should aim to eat 3 main meals a day with 2-3 snacks in between.  Try  yogurt with berries, a Herbalife protein bar, a piece of fruit or a packet of Herbalife  roasted soya beans as a healthy snack to help speed up your basal metabolic rate, keep blood sugar levels topped up and avoid your body going  into a starvation mode and storing fat.

I hope this post has been helpful and if you're interested in any Herbalife products, want to try out a free sample or make some extra money working as a Herbalife distributer than
I 'd love to hear from you.

Friday 7 August 2015

How to keep your Kids Active this Summer

Change 4 Life this summer is encouraging children to get active and do a '10 Minute Shake Up'
game 2 x per day to keep active and healthy.

First they need to join a Disney character team either the characters from the movies, Frozen, Toy Story or Monsters Inc University (Big Hero 6, is already sold out)!

Contact the website below and they'll send you a starter pack containing playing cards with instructions on how to play the games, a wrist band with your Disney Team Captain on it, a poster and stickers.

Do each game for 10 minutes and once completed add a sticker to your poster to begin to create a fantastic picture of your Disney character team.

Games are suitable for 1 or more players, so the whole family can join in to such games as, doing your best Monster University cheer leader moves , do your best Big Hero 6 super moves or test your agility skills with Buzz Light Year's Flying Skills game.

Whatever game your child chooses they will have loads of fun and because there's lots of different games it will keep them both active and amused for hours this summer.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Fast Food Cheats

There are times when no matter what, you really fancy a bit of fast food and nothing else will do.  If you're not careful this could be the beginning of the end of your good eating habits and once you feel like you've 'fallen off the wagon' you may just throw in the towel and fall back into your former bad habits.

Some experts say that you should not give into your cravings and stick to your healthy eating regime no matter what but back in the real world I think if you deny your body's cravings they will just get worse and your obsession with this type of food will build up until you can't take it anymore and you go on a binge which won't be any good for you and could scupper your healthy eating regime for good.

So my advice is, if you really fancy a bit of fast food than that's ok in moderation but the damage to your body can be reduced with a little tweaking.  Here are my top 5 tips:-

1.) Swap a donna kebab with a shish:- a donna is loaded with fat and contains all the off cuts of the lamb.  Also lamb is a very fattening meat so will give you extra unwanted calories.  Choose a chicken shish, which is high in protein and lower in fat and is grilled, further reducing the calorie content.  Add plenty of salad and a pita bread and you have a well balanced meal which won't bust your gut.  However hold the chips and don't be too heavy handed with the sauces if you want to keep this fast food healthier.

2.) Pizza- Although this tends to be high in saturated fat and tends to contain low protein you can reduce this by choosing a thin rather than thick crust and cutting out the fatty meats such as pepperoni and pork and choose ham, fish or prawns and vegetables. Stick to a small pizza and serve it with plenty of salad.  Doing this will help reduce the damage and not overload your body with unwanted calories and fat.

3.) Having a Indian curry:- Avoid creamy sauces such as Korma or anything deep fried.  To reduce the fat and calories, choose tomato-based sauces such as tandoori and madras with chicken, prawns or vegetables.  Opt for plain rice rather than pilau, choose a chapatti over a naan and hold the popadoms.  Add plenty of vegetables including lentil side dishes such as a dhal.

4.) Fish & Chips:- Avoid pies and sausages that are high in fat and choose fish coated in breadcrumbs rather in batter as less fat is absorbed.  Thick cut chips soak up less fat compared to thin cut and choose a smaller portion or share.  Add mushy peas or baked beans to add extra vitamins and minerals.   If you have battered fish avoid eating all the batter as this can soak up a lot of the fat during cooking.

5.) Chinese/Thai:- Avoid any deep fried foods such as prawn crackers and toast, spring rolls, fish cakes and sweet and sour pork (due to meat being battered and deep fried).  Avoid Tai red and green curries that use coconut milk, which is high in saturated fat and stick to stir-fried or steamed dishes containing chicken, fish or vegetables instead.   Choose crab and corn soup or tom yum and choose boiled rice over egg fried.