Friday 10 July 2015

Tell Your Body-You're the Boss!

When you do any exercise at an intensity level that will gain benefits ie- at a moderate rate or higher you will get a little voice inside your head telling you to give up.

The easy thing to do is just give up and throw in the towel.  But remember to gain any benefits associated with exercise, such as reduced body fat, increased lean muscle, stamina and flexibility, reduced blood pressure, bad cholesterol and an increased muscular uptake of glucose, you will have to push the body a little to obtain the said benefits.

Remember the body is LAZY  it wants the easy life, it will complain when you start to do tasks it considers harder than usual.

Increased fitness is not developed in the comfort zone it has to be created in the non-comfort zone in order to force the body to become stronger and fitter.

Next time you're exercising and it starts to feel easier, this is when you need to start to pick it up, to force the body to become fitter.  As you step it up by increasing the intensity either by increasing the level, weight, time, speed, frequency or choosing a harder movement/exercise than you're used to the body will complain by giving you a burning sensation in the muscles being used, 'the burn.'

 See my previous blog on this subject for more details:-

A little voice inside your head will start telling you to give up because it's too hard, it's hurting too much and the like. 

DON'T LISTEN! grit your teeth, knowing doing this you are getting stronger and are forcing your body to change on a cellular level by increasing your lung capacity to take up more oxygen, strip down muscle fibres in order to rebuild them stronger and better and stripping away body fat in order to burn energy.

You must be The Boss of your body not your body being The Boss.

In doing this not only will you be a stronger person in body but also in mind. 

Be The Boss over your own body and watch you archive all your fitness goals.  Let your body be The Boss and forever you will be disappointed and your fitness goals forever out of your reach.

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