Monday 27 July 2015

My New Scales

This week my new Tanita scales came that I'd ordered.  My old version could give me total body weight readings (just like normal scales) and body fat %. However this version is state of the art and has 10 different features. 

In this week's blog I'm going to explain each one to give you an understanding of what each feature does and what it means to your health.

  1. Total Body Weight:- This does what it says, the reading shows how much your body weighs which includes, body fat, skeleton and muscle.
  2. Total Body Water %:- This reading checks that your body is fully hydrated or not.  The body is 70% water and so if it's dehydrated it can't perform at its best and you will feel more tried.
  3. Visceral Fat Rating:- This is the amount of internal fat you store in the abdominal cavity and around your vital organs.  A person may look a healthy weight on the outside but this reading will show if they are storing too much body fat inside their body or not.  Ensuring you have healthy levels of visceral fat may help reduce the risk of developing certain diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
  4. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):- This is the minimum level of energy your body needs at rest to function effectively including your respiratory and circulatory organs, neural system, liver, kidneys and other organs.  About 70% of your daily consumed calories is used for your basal metabolism.  Your BMR is greatly affected by the amount of muscle you have, therefore by increasing your muscle mass will help increase your BMR and in turn increase the amount of calories burned, resulting in a reduction of total body fat you have. 
  5. Daily Calorie Intake (DCI):- This reading shows how many calories your body needs to function effectively and maintain current weight.
  6. Metabolic Age:- This calculates your BMR and indicates the average age associated with that type of metabolism.  It you aren't looking after yourself this age will be much higher than your true age.  The good news is this age can be reversed through choosing a healthier life style.
  7. Total Muscle Mass:- This shows how much muscle you have.  The more muscle your body has the more fat your body can burn at rest.
  8. Bone Mass:- This reading shows how dense your bones are and if you are at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.  
  9. Body Mass Index (BMI):- This calculates your height and total body weight and tells you if you are underweight, normal weight, over weight, obese or morbidly obese.
  10. Muscle Mass and Body Fat % on 5 different sections of the body:- Using this devise you can see where a person needs to lose more fat from or put muscle on.
So if you want to know what your metabolic age is, how much body fat you need to burn or how much muscle you have than why don't you contact me today for a FREE Wellness Evaluation.

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