Friday 29 May 2015

Top 5 Ways to Sneak In Your Daily Exercise

Government health guidelines advise us to do 30 minutes of exercise or activity a day for at least 5 days per week to maintain health and wellbeing.  You don't even have to do all the 30 minutes at once but break it up into smaller bites, in order for them to be more manageable.

Here is my top 5 tips in getting your 30 minutes of daily exercise in the sneaky way.

1) - The advert challenge- the average advert lasts for 30 seconds and the commercial breaks between programmes is on average lasts around 3 minutes in total.  So why don't you do a mini circuit during this time.  Choose a different exercise for each advert such as push ups, squats and jogging on the spot.

2)- Walk to work- ditch the car or jump off the bus/train one or two stops earlier to get a bit more exercise in.

3)- Use the stairs- use stairs instead of the lift, you'll be amazed how much more exercise you could get done.

4)- Park the car the furthest way from the shops- when shopping park your car the furthest away so it will force you to walk further and get a weight lifting session in as well when carrying all those shopping bags back to the car after a full day of shopping!

5) Take a walk after lunch-to help aid digestion and burn off some of those calories!

Thursday 21 May 2015

Get a Hot ' 50 Shades of Grey' Body Now!

Dakota Johnson wowed audiences with her toned and lean body in the steamy Hollywood blockbuster, 50 Shades of Grey.

In order to feel comfortable playing the role of Anastasia in the movie, Dakota felt she needed a fitness routine to help elongate her figure, strengthen and tone her waist and legs.

She turned to trainer to the stars, Mari Winsor of Winsor Pilates, who used her many years as a Pilates teacher to help hone and sculpt a toned and lean body.

Her fitness routine consisted of Pilates moves, such as the 'One Hundred,' 'Criss Cross' and 'Scissor Kicks' and cardio exercises such as running and spinning to help burn body fat and tone. 

Pilates workouts are specifically designed to tone the waist and legs and a class can burn 400-500 calories per session, says Mari.

Dakota's routine consisted of 30 minutes of Pilates and 30 minutes of cardio, either running on a treadmill or using a spinning bike.

Doing this helped Dakota Johnson achieve the lean, toned waist and legs that she needed for her role in the movie.

Below is a link that shows some of the Pilates moves that helped Dakota and many other Hollywood stars get the body they wanted.

Saturday 16 May 2015

How To Get Your Kids More Active

Kids are naturally active and are filled with bags of energy that they need to expend during the day but increasingly kids activity levels have declined, leading to an increase in childhood obesity.  In fact childhood obesity has tripled in England over the past 25 years.

Here are a few ideas to keep your kids active and fit:-

1.) Be a good role model yourself:- monkey see, monkey do, ensure your little monkeys see you being active and they will copy you.  If they see you sitting on the sofa all day what do you think they're going to do?

2.) Walk to school:- ditch the car or bus and walk to school. 

3.)  Limit T.V and computer time:- T.V and computers have their place but too much time spent in front of them can lead to problems.

4.) Take your kids out to the park:- kids love running around so take your kids to the park and have a game of football or ride a bike/scooter.

5.) Take a walk in the forest:- Take a walk in the forest, enjoying some of the surrounding nature and wildlife. 

6.) Go swimming:- make a splash and try swimming.

7.) Try rollerblading or skateboarding:- this is great exercise for the legs, improving balance and stamina.

8.) Join a sports club:- Cricket, football, karate, basketball, dancing, whatever the sport or activity choose something your kid loves and they've got more chance of sticking to it.

9.) Take them to the playground:- kids love to play on the roundabout, monkey bars, swing or climbing frame, all these will help to improve their core stability, balance, fat burning, toning and muscular strength.

10.) Play games- try a game of 'IT', 'British Bulldog' or 'leapfrog' to improve, stamina, agility and toning.

Kids need 1.5 hours a day to keep active, try some or all these tips to help your kids to keep healthy and active.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Check out this website

James Clear is an extremely influential and insightful person whose website and bi weekly news letters can help you manage your time better and increase productivity in both your business,  job and life.

His ideas and learning from influential and ground breaking people from history who have made a difference in our society is both thought provoking and inspiring.

My favourite story was Richard Branson needing to get a connecting flight to the Virgin Islands for a hot date but after the flight was cancelled, decided to charter his own plane, which he couldn't afford himself and offered $29 tickets to some of the other stranded passengers, so they could pay for his flight and Virgin Airlines was born!

Check out this link below to view the his back issues.

See you next week.

Friday 1 May 2015

How to lose the lbs and Gain the £'s

In 1997 The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised obesity as a disease rather than just a condition.

Often other medical conditions seem to be linked with obesity and people have an increased risk of developing these conditions if their body weight is considered too high.  These include coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and certain types of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, gout, and pulmonary diseases, including sleep apnoea.

According to the Health Survey for England (HSE) 2009, shows that 22% of males and 24% of females were classed as obese according to their Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements (>30 kg/m2). 
44% of males and 33% females were classed as overweight (>25-29 kg/m2).  Combining both figures of those who are obese and overweight makes a total of 66% of adult males and 57% of adult females across the population that are classed as either obese or overweight. 

These are terrifying figures and the increased amount of those with these conditions place unnecessarily strain on the already over worked NHS.
Herbalife is a multi-billion pound global nutritional company which sells in over 80 countries around the world.  It has helped people pursue a healthy, active life style over the past 35 years and has become one of the world’s leading nutritional brands.  

 Over 200 athletes and sports people, many of them top internationals are sponsored and use Herbalife to help achieve their sporting goals.  Those sponsored by Herbalife include top Spanish football team, FC Barcelona and American soccer Team, LA Galaxy.  Top footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo is among many professional sports men and women sponsored by Herbalife.  The company has also been chosen to be the official supplier of nutritional products at the special Olympics in Los Angeles this year and so is fast becoming recognised as a leading nutritional supplement in the world for elite athletes and the general public alike.
At the heart of all Herbalife products is cutting edge research and advanced nutritional science developed by leading nutritional scientists such as Professor Louis Ignarro, a Nobel Laureate in medicine, who is a distinguished professor of Pharmacology at Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans.  He has published many articles and received The Basic Research Prize of The American Heart Association for outstanding contributions to the advancement of cardiovascular science. 

The importance of good nutrition is paramount in leading a healthy life-style.  Our bodies need a combination of Macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), in order to provide energy and be able to function properly and keep our bodies in perfect balance.
80% of weight loss and weight management is diet and 20% is exercise/activity.  A combination of both is considered the best as it covers both weight loss and strengthening the muscles of the body and the cardiovascular system.  But as you can see the higher percentage is diet. 
Herbalife products are nutritionally balanced and so provides all the nutrients the body needs to perform at its very best.  The Formula 1 protein shake for instance provides all the nutrients that are found in a well-balanced meal such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals but in a tasty, easy to make shake instead. 
The Formula 1 shakes have a higher ratio of protein to carbohydrates in order to keep the body fuller for longer and rebuild muscle after exercising.  Studies have shown that fullness is achieved for longer if you consume foods which are high in protein and fat compared to those high in carbohydrates.  Although we need this macronutrient for energy, obese people tend to consume more than their body needs and therefore the body will store it as fat and this will only lead to further weight gain.  

Not only can Herbalife help you to lose those unwanted Ibs off your waistline but it can also help you gain pounds in your pocket!  The company's business opportunity offers anyone the chance to own their very own business and start to earn money for their selves straight away, as they start to help others lose weight and become healthier.
I'm actively looking for people with passion and drive who want to make a difference, to join my team. 
To start up your own business you normally need thousands of pounds as you have to pay for rent, products and advertising.  With Herbalife you only pay for a business start up pack and than you own your own business and you're good to go!  You get all the support you need from myself to help you on your journey as an agent of Herbalife.
There's no huge start up costs and all the advertising has already been done for you, all you need to do is go out and chat to people and tell them about your experiences of the products and begin selling.  As soon as you join up as a Herbalife member you get 25% off all products, so even if you only buy it for yourself you are already saving money!
In this unstable economic environment with high unemployment there never has been a better time to start up your own business for minimal costs and begin to reap the benefits of being a member of this influential and trail blazing company. 
These are exciting times, why don't you become apart of it.
If you are interested in buying the products, would like further information on the business opportunity or the full range of products or want to join my team than just get in touch, I'll love to hear from you.