Thursday 17 November 2011

Improve your Health-Go Mediterranean!

In studies, Scientists have found that when obese people were given a low-calorie diet made up of Mediterranean-style foods, such as fish, chicken, pasta, potatoes and fresh fruit and vegetables, they were more likely to stick to it and lose weight from their stomach, compared to those who followed a traditional low-calorie diet.

Researchers from the U.S. have found that those who follow a Med-style diet have a smaller decline in brain functioning as they grow older compared to those who follow a more western diet, which can contain higher levels of saturated fats. It's believed that it maybe the unsaturated fats and antitoxidants in fruit, veg and wholegrain foods which helped to maintain brain function.

You can even wash it done with a glass of red wine, which can help in reducing blood pressure and maintaining a healthy body. However always ensure that you drink within the recommended health guildelines as the benefits will be diminished and drinking more on a regular basis will be unhealthy.

So raise a glass and tuck into some fresh fish and pasta for a healthier and stronger body.

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