Wednesday 30 November 2011

British Women dubbed 'fattest in Europe.'

Figures released recently revealed that a quarter (23.9%) of British women were obese. British men weren't far behind with 21.1% classed as overweight.

The high levels of obesity in the UK are in stark contrast to some countries like Romania, where only 8% were classed as obese.

Overall, Brits should be consuming 5 million less calories per day than at present.

And earlier this year the strain of our ever increasing waist lines is now effecting the NHS with the number of hospital admissions for obesity rising by more than 30%, putting extra pressure on the health service as it tries to cope with the 10,571 new admissions.

So are we as a nation going to sit there and except our fate or get off the sofa and do something about changing the way we live?

After all it's a free country but wouldn't it be good if the people of the UK got fitter by consuming less and exercising a bit more.

With some thought and planning this country could be celebrating by having the fittest women in Europe in a few years time.

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