Wednesday 30 November 2011

British Women dubbed 'fattest in Europe.'

Figures released recently revealed that a quarter (23.9%) of British women were obese. British men weren't far behind with 21.1% classed as overweight.

The high levels of obesity in the UK are in stark contrast to some countries like Romania, where only 8% were classed as obese.

Overall, Brits should be consuming 5 million less calories per day than at present.

And earlier this year the strain of our ever increasing waist lines is now effecting the NHS with the number of hospital admissions for obesity rising by more than 30%, putting extra pressure on the health service as it tries to cope with the 10,571 new admissions.

So are we as a nation going to sit there and except our fate or get off the sofa and do something about changing the way we live?

After all it's a free country but wouldn't it be good if the people of the UK got fitter by consuming less and exercising a bit more.

With some thought and planning this country could be celebrating by having the fittest women in Europe in a few years time.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Improve your Health-Go Mediterranean!

In studies, Scientists have found that when obese people were given a low-calorie diet made up of Mediterranean-style foods, such as fish, chicken, pasta, potatoes and fresh fruit and vegetables, they were more likely to stick to it and lose weight from their stomach, compared to those who followed a traditional low-calorie diet.

Researchers from the U.S. have found that those who follow a Med-style diet have a smaller decline in brain functioning as they grow older compared to those who follow a more western diet, which can contain higher levels of saturated fats. It's believed that it maybe the unsaturated fats and antitoxidants in fruit, veg and wholegrain foods which helped to maintain brain function.

You can even wash it done with a glass of red wine, which can help in reducing blood pressure and maintaining a healthy body. However always ensure that you drink within the recommended health guildelines as the benefits will be diminished and drinking more on a regular basis will be unhealthy.

So raise a glass and tuck into some fresh fish and pasta for a healthier and stronger body.

Friday 4 November 2011

Drink choc milk to aid recovery

In two recent studies, Dr Ivy at the University of Texas found that low fat milkshake worked better as a post-workout recovery drink compared to typical sports drinks and calorie free drinks.

Both studies consisted of 32 healthy amateur male and female cyclists. In the studies he found that those who consumed the chocolate drink had more power and rode faster compared with those who drank another drink.

The other study revealed that the low-fat chocolate milk drinkers built more muscle and burnt off more fat during training, resulting in them gaining 3-pound in lean muscle after 4.5 weeks of training compared with participants who consumed a sport drink.

Dr Ivy admits that the reasons why the low-fat Chocolate drink is more successful is unclear at present until more research has been done.

"But there's something in the naturally-occuring protein and carbohydrate mix that offers significant benefits," he concludes.

Dr Ivy notes that the drink needs to be consumed within 30 mins after a work-out to get maximum benefits.