Sunday 3 July 2011

Stay fit & healthy cheaply

In these hard financial times it can be hard to keep yourself fit. Too high priced gym memberships or supermarket offers on high fat foods rather then the healthy can make it difficult to make the right choice at times.

Below are a few ideas to help keep you and your family fit and healthy.

1. Buy from the market- Pay for £ a bowl and freeze the fruit you can't eat. You can use the frozen fruit in smoothies.

2. Buy fruit and veg that is in season- These tend to be cheaper then buying fruit that is out of season and from abroad.

3. Make a stew/soup out of bits and bobs from the fridge- use any spare meat, chicken and veg that is in the fridge to make a tasty cheap nutritious meal for the whole family.

4. Train outside- instead of paying out for expensive gym memberships why not try jogging with a group of friends out in the local park.

5. Join a local community fitness class- these tend to be held in church halls or community centres and offers pay as you go rather then charging a monthy fee. Try my family fitness class on Tuesdays at 10.30 starting prices from only £1.50! Details @

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