Tuesday 12 July 2011

Advert Workout

One of the main barriers to fitness a lot of people complain about is the lack of time. We all live such busy lives that it can feel almost impossible to find the time to keep ourselves fit. People can normally find the time to watch t.v. and so the 'Advert Workout' is a great way to combine watching the telly with exercise.

So next time the adverts come on instead of making a cuppa have a go at doing the exercises below. An average advert lasts for 30 secs so do an exercise for each one. Below are some suggestions and how to perform each exercise.

PUSH UPS:- This will work your chest, arms and stomach muscles. You can do this with knees on or off the floor. Hands should be about 1 and a half to 2 shoulder widths a part with hands directly under the shoulders. Keeping the back flat and stomach tight lower your body to the floor until your arms are in an L shape and are inline with shoulders. Remember to breath. Then raise body back to start position and repeat.

SQUATS:- This will work your bottom and leg muscles. Start with feet about 2 hip width across. Keeping your back straight and stomach muscles tight, take a breath in and bend legs as low as you can, no lower than a 90 degree angle and avoiding the knees going over the toes. Then breath out as you slowly return to start postition.

AB CRUNCH:- These will work the upper abs. Lay on your back, with legs about hip width apart. Either bring your arms across your body (easier version) or hold finger tips against temples with elbows sticking out to the sides. Slowly bring your head and shoulders off the floor and breathing out at the same time. Squeeze your stomach muscles at the top and then slowly lower your head and shoulders back to the floor-repeat.

REVERSE CRUNCHES- These work the lower abs. Lay on your back, arms laying by your sides, put your legs together and raise them until the knees are slightly below the hips, keep the legs slightly bent. Slowly bring the knees to your chest and lift your bottom off the floor, keeping the small of the back on the floor and arms relaxed. Then return to start position. Breath out on the lift and in on the lowering phase.

JOG ON THE SPOT- This works your heart, lungs and lower body. Just like it says, jog for the duration of the advert. For a harder version try sprinting.

THE PLANK:- This works all the core muscles-(avoid doing this exercise if you are suffering from high blood pressure). Place elbows and lower arms on the floor and lift body up until the hips are in line with your shoulders, knees and ankles. Draw your belly button towards the spine and avoid holding your breath. Hold for the duration of the advert. Easier version would be one or both knees on the floor.

Enjoy and let me know how you get on.

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