Saturday 22 October 2016

5 Things to Do To Reach Your Level 10

We should all be seeking to self improve in order to become a better version of ourselves.  Life is always better if we are continuing to learn and improve ourselves and the environment around us.  Here are 5 tips that have helped me to continue to strive to reach my Level 10 and become the best possible version of myself:-

1.)- Have a plan and set goals- as an exercise instructor I'm used to setting fitness goals for my clients but I found early on that in order for me to get the most out of my life it was important to set my own goals, in order to progress and avoid stagnating.  Set yourself a short, medium and long term goal.  The timeframe for short should be 4-6 weeks, medium 12 weeks and long term 1 -5 years.  As you reach your short and medium term goals add new ones to help you keep focused.  Keep checking to ensure you're reaching those goals.  Setting yourself goals holds you accountable and you can see where you are heading and if you are on target or not.  My business started to improve only when I started setting myself goals as I could see if my business was moving forward rather then stalling.  Setting yourself goals will allow you to see where you're going right but more importantly where you're going wrong, so you have the chance to change it for the better.

2.) Take a Power Hour- Take some time out for yourself.  All work and no play makes you a dull boy/girl.  Choose some down time in order to help you refocus and come back fresher, stronger and faster.  Try some exercise, meditation, reading, shopping, sauna, massage, listening to some music or whatever will help you relax and unwind.

Image result for level 10 herbalife

3.) Eat well- In order to perform at your ultimate best then what you eat is truly important. Ensure you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables of different varieties in order to get all the nutrients that your body needs to perform at it best.  Ensure all meals are balanced, which includes protein, carbs and micronutrients and that you eat every 2 - 4 hours, in order to keep your energy levels topped up and avoid an energy crash.  I always choose a Herbalife breakfast shake in order to get all the best nutrients my body needs first thing in the morning.

4.) Do things outside of  your comfort zone- Try something that isn't in your comfort zone.  If we always stay where we feel safe and secure then we stop growing and stagnate.  If we venture out of our comfort zone then this forces you to learn new things and forces you to grow and become a better person.  Doing something outside our comfort zone is where the true magic happens.

5.) Don't Be Afraid To Fail- A lot of people give up before they even begin due to the fear that they may fail.  They listen to that inner negative voice telling them that they shouldn't try something new or they will certainly fail.  Don't be afraid of failure because this is all part of the learning process.  It is rare that we succeed long term without experiencing some form of failure beforehand.  The foundation of success is built upon many failures and you will learn much more through failing then you ever would through success.  Nobody learns from success this is the end of the journey after many failures that came beforehand.  You enjoy success rather then learning from it.  When you read about an 'over night sensation' if you look deeper you will always find that the person has been around for many years, learning and crafting their talent, experiencing many failures along the way but each time learning from them until they reach a level of expertise that enables them to become successful. 

I hope these tips have been helpful and help you and others to start or continue your journey to become the best version of yourself possible and reach your Level 10.

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