Thursday 25 August 2016

Reach your Level 10 with Herbalife

I'm so excited to announce that I've just put some of my clients onto this competition to help them keep their focus and reach their own Level 10.

The competition is aimed for anyone who wants to achieve their best shape ever, which is their Level 10.

They will do this by following a nutritional program using Herbalife products, eating healthy balanced meals and exercising regularly.

New clients get a FREE consultation, which includes nutritional advice and a full body composition examination which uses state of the art technology to work out their total body fat %,  muscle mass and how hydrated they are among other things.

Image result for level 10 herbalife challenge

These results are than sent to off to the competition website with a present photo and 90 days later their new improved stats will be taken with another photo and these are sent off as well.

Winners will be chosen whose successfully lost the most total body weight, or lost the most body fat % or gained the most muscle.

There are cash prizes to be won and so you could be winning pounds by shedding the pounds!

You will have the opportunity to see me regularly to take your stats to check that you are on the right track and meet others that are in the competition as well to help support each other.

The present competition is now open so if you want to reach your own Level 10 than contact me now to start your journey.

Image result for level 10 herbalife challenge

Friday 12 August 2016

Getting the Kids Active this Summer

The summer holidays are finally here and you've exhausted all your ideas already! So what can us parents do?  Kids need at least 1 hour of exercise a day in order to be fit and healthy.

This summer 'Change 4 Life' is teaming up with Disney in order to get kids more active.  They've designed fun games called '10 minute shake ups', to help keep your kids fit and amused this holiday.  Using characters based on famous Disney characters including ones from the latest movie, 'Finding Dory' you can ensure your little ones are getting the right amount of exercise needed to promote good health. 

On their website you can find fun games such as, 'Hank's Hopscotch' and 'Jumping with Destiny.'


Not only can your kids challenge themselves and each other using these games but there are some other great ideas and tips to help your little Nemos get the most out of this summer .