Wednesday 20 July 2016

Bad Back?-Try Yoga

In 2013 a major systematic review of yoga for improving lower back pain was conducted in Essen, Germany.   It looked at a total of 967 chronic lower back pain patients over 10 scientific studies. 

There was strong evidence for both short-term and long-term effects of yoga on back -specific disability.  This major study concluded that yoga could be given as an additional therapy to patients with chronic lower back pain.

An analysis of eight randomised controlled trials, which involved 743 patients in total, showed yoga to have a medium to large effect on functional disability and pain.

Individual studies have shown yoga to be an effective exercise in helping improve lower back pain.  In a study of 313 patients with chronic lower back pain, yoga was given as a 12 week programme and included postures, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. 

At follow up reviews the group recorded better back function at 3,6 and 12 month reviews.

Also a study of 80 patients with chronic lower back pain, who attended a one week intense period of yoga found it to be superior compared to a physical exercise programme when measured as spinal flexibility. 

Yoga has also been shown to be good for war veterans with lower back pain, helping them improve their pain, energy levels and mental health, after completing a 10 week programme of yoga.

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