Monday 4 April 2016

Updated Government Nutritional Guide Lines

The Government has recently updated their nutritional guidelines to reflect the growing public concern of having too much saturated fats and sugars in our diet.

Gone is the 'Eatwell Plate' with the knife and fork either side as feedback from the public was that some believed what was on the plate was what they needed to consume at each meal, rather then using it as a guide for total daily food intake.

The 'Eatwell Plate' depicted the different food groups that made up a well balanced diet, such as fruit and vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, diary products and fats and sugars and the bigger the section the more foods we should consume from that food group.

It's now been changed to the 'Eatwell Guide' and the most striking change is that the section that housed total fats and sugars, including cakes and biscuits have been taken out, as this isn't considered an essential food source and is now segregated outside of the main food guide.   A tiny slice is now in its place, reserved only for cooking oils and spreads. 

Also gone is the inclusion of fruit juice in the fruit and vegetables section and now it's placed outside the sections and recommended that no more then 150ml should be consumed per day as the amount of sugar it contains would be too much.

Also what's new is other useful information such as total calorie in take for the average man and woman and the recommended amount of water one should consume per day.

For further information take a look at the link below.

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