Saturday 23 January 2016

New 5 Day Eat Clean Challenge Coming Soon

I'm totally excited about launching this new concept encouraging people to eat better and get healthier.

All the action is done on 'Whats App' with the focus on group support and gaining daily nutritional and motivational advice from me, your Wellness Coach, to keep you motivated throughout the 5 day challenge.

Each day you will have a protein shake for breakfast, taking a selfie of yourself and uploading it onto 'Whats App' to show me and the other members of the group you can done it.  You will for the rest of the day be encouraged to have a healthy lunch, dinner and 2 healthy snacks and vitamin supplements, again uploading an image of each to ensure compliance.

The group can be made up of random individuals or you can make up a group of your family and friends.

Either way this is designed to be fun, sociable and with a bit of friendly competition thrown in for good measure.

The first 5 Day Eat Clean Challenge starts on Monday 1st Feb.

The total cost is £10 and for that you get all your protein shake breakfasts, supplements, group support and expert advice from me.

The beauty of this is it's short and you aren't carrying it over to the weekend.

If you want to change your eating habits for the better than this could be the push you were looking for.

Contact me if you want to have a go and start the first steps to a healthier and fitter you.

Mob:-07764 791982

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