Sunday 31 January 2016

Sweat it Out!

What I've noticed over the last few years working in the fitness industry is that a lot of people totally relay on the air conditioning system to keep them cool.

When the air conditioning unit isn't working properly or has broken down there are many a person complaining that they're too hot and they're sweating!

I find this very strange as those who know me know that I come from a martial arts background where it was natural to not have any air conditioning, apart from a couple of open windows during the summer and had to do all this wearing a thick, heavy gi, (karate suit) that got increasingly heavier as it got filled with more hard earned sweat.

So this got me thinking why it seems over the last few years attitudes have changed as people have gotten used to their creature comforts such as air conditioning. 

However I think they're missing a trick as mild to moderate sweating is beneficial to the body as it is our body's natural response to prevent overheating and it has many health benefits too. 

 Remember sweat only starts smelling nasty when it get old and the bacteria starts dying and breaking down and it's this that causes the smell.  As long as you ensure you wash yourself fully soon after your work out and wash your kit than sweating shouldn't be avoided but embraced.

Below are 4 reasons why sweating is good for you and your body. 

1.) Increases Blood Circulation:- Sweating helps cool the body down and helps open up and unclog the pores of the skin keeping our skin fresh and glowing.

2.) Helps Detox the Body:- Sweating helps remove substances from the body such as alcohol, cholesterol and salt.  Sweating helps remove toxins that can clog up pores and cause spots and other blemishes.  A 2011 study found many toxins seemed to be removed through the act of sweating.

3.)  Reduces the Risk of Kidney Stones:- Sweating helps remove salt from the body and keep calcium in the bones of the body.  This limits the build up of salt and calcium in the kidneys and urine, which is where the stones come from.  Sweating helps flush out the system better because it demands more hydration from the body.

4.) Prevents Colds & Other Illnesses  :-  Sweat contains peptides that helps fight against viruses, bacteria and fungi.  These peptides are positively charged and are naturally activated in salty, slightly acidic sweat.

Saturday 23 January 2016

New 5 Day Eat Clean Challenge Coming Soon

I'm totally excited about launching this new concept encouraging people to eat better and get healthier.

All the action is done on 'Whats App' with the focus on group support and gaining daily nutritional and motivational advice from me, your Wellness Coach, to keep you motivated throughout the 5 day challenge.

Each day you will have a protein shake for breakfast, taking a selfie of yourself and uploading it onto 'Whats App' to show me and the other members of the group you can done it.  You will for the rest of the day be encouraged to have a healthy lunch, dinner and 2 healthy snacks and vitamin supplements, again uploading an image of each to ensure compliance.

The group can be made up of random individuals or you can make up a group of your family and friends.

Either way this is designed to be fun, sociable and with a bit of friendly competition thrown in for good measure.

The first 5 Day Eat Clean Challenge starts on Monday 1st Feb.

The total cost is £10 and for that you get all your protein shake breakfasts, supplements, group support and expert advice from me.

The beauty of this is it's short and you aren't carrying it over to the weekend.

If you want to change your eating habits for the better than this could be the push you were looking for.

Contact me if you want to have a go and start the first steps to a healthier and fitter you.

Mob:-07764 791982

Sunday 17 January 2016

5 Ways to Help You Stay the Course

We're half way through January and the gyms and classes across the country are rammed with those who are looking to make a go of a healthier lifestyle.  However this is the time where a lot of those will start to slump and begin to go back to their old ways and give up on those new year good intentions. 

People give up for a number of reasons but here are 5 ways that if you follow them will greatly reduce the risk of you becoming one of them and being the one to stay the course for the rest of the year.

1.) Set yourself Goals:-  If you don't set yourself goals how are you going to focus on what you truly want out of that gym membership?  If you don't know where you are going how will you know when you get there?  Choose 2-3 goals one short term to be reached in 6 weeks, one to be completed in 3 months and if you like, a longer term goal to be achieved in 6 -12 months.  In this way you will keep focused and this will help to keep you motivated. Ensure it's measureable and realistic such as ' I plan to lose half a stone in 6 weeks.'  Rather than 'I want to lose some weight' or I want to lose 5 stone in 6 weeks!' The first can't be measured and there's no end time and the second isn't realistic within the time given.

2.) Don't Try to Do Too Much Too Soon:-  Where a lot of people go wrong is that they go from sitting on the sofa for years and than straight to the gym trying to spend hours there 7 days a week.  This volume and frequency of workload is impossible to maintain for long term and they either give up exhausted or get an injury.  Start off slowly, allow your body to get used to exercise, try 2 - 3 times a week exercising for 40-60 minutes at a time and than slowly build upon this.

3.) Train with Someone:- If you have a training buddy with similar goals you will help keep both of you in line, neither wanting to let the other person down.

4.) Get Plenty of Rest:-  If you've been up most of the night watching T.V or gaming with your mates you properly won't want to be facing a class or gym session the next day.  Do yourself a favour and get a good night's sleep in  order to have enough energy to complete that exercise session.

5.) Consume the Right Type of Food:-  It's no good having a great work out and than replacing your energy levels with junk food such as take-aways, crisps and chocolate.  Ensure you plan ahead and have your nutrition programme sorted out.  Nothing will slow down your results and scupper your fitness goals quicker than bad nutrition.  Try a Herbalife F1 protein shake during the day and after your work out to ensure you're getting the right amount and balance of nutrients your body needs to help it achieve your fitness goals.

Anyone interested in personal or small group training, Herbalife nutrition or earning some extra money becoming a Herbalife Wellness Coach than please get in touch.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Enjoy a Healthy & Happy New Year!

Happy new year! I hope you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to making 2016 the most healthiest and successful year ever.

So what better way to get back into a healthy routine after eating and drinking too much than to get a detox and try out the Herbalife 3 and 6 day trial packs.

At only £10 a box you get all the nutrients you'd get in a well balanced meal but in a shake!

Have 1 or 2 shakes a day along with eating 1 or 2 healthy meals (depending if you have 1 or 2 meal replacement shakes a day) and 2 healthy snacks to get back into shape and a healthy routine.

Anyone wanting to get fitter and make 2016 their year get in touch.

January can also be a tight month financially due to over spending in the festive period and if you want to make some money and are looking for a job you can do part or full time and the flexibility to work around your busy lifestyle, than contact me in becoming a Herbalife Wellness Coach and joining my team.

Tel:- 0776479 1982