Wednesday 30 December 2015

Out with the New and in with the Old

Last week I was enjoying the final of The Apprentice, where Joseph Valente and Vana Koutsomitis  were battling it out to be Lord Sugar's new business partner.

During the board room scene, where each contestant explained to Lord Sugar why they thought they were the better choice, Vana told Lord Sugar that her on line dating agency was the best as it was at the cutting edge of science and everyone would be flocking to it and would make a fortune very quickly.   Whereby she thought Joseph's plumbing business was just that and wouldn't make that much money that quickly.

Joseph countered that his business was steady and over time would make Lord Sugar a hell of a lot of money in the end.

This got me thinking that this is very much like fitness and weight management and the fitness business in general.

Vana represents the all new all singing and dancing fitness treads what everyone flocks to in order to lose weight quicker and looks sexier.  This new tread may or may not help you to lose weight but because it's all new and shiny people will naturally flock to it.

Joseph represents the basic, science backed way of getting fitter, healthier and losing weight.  Smaller portions, eat breakfast, eat healthy foods more regularly and exercise more.  This maybe not that sexy but it works.

However people are easily influenced by the latest fads and treads and are tempted away from the fundamental basics by the new.

Image result for the finalists of apprentice 2015

However if people stopped chasing the new that hasn't yet been proved works and stick to the basics they would get there in the end and arguably quicker it the long run.

Joseph's business may not make that much money quickly like the basics of fitness won't help you to lose weight quickly but over time the money will stack up just like the lbs will fall away over time.

Lord Sugar saw through the new shiny kid on the block and chose the one that had proved to work and kept to the basics.

So this New Year maybe choose the basics like eat less and move more.

This may not be the most exciting path but has been proved to work and maybe you will reach your fitness goals quicker than if you choose the newer more shinier path.

Enjoy the rest of Christmas and I will see you in the new year.

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