Saturday 28 February 2015

Owning a gym membership shouldn't be seen as a luxury

We live in a time when our wages have either only increased a little over the last few years or not at all but the price of everything has steadily gone up! During these trying times we may need to revaluate our finances in order to make ends meet but unfortunately a gym membership often is one of the first causalities to be hit, as more often than not it is seen as a luxury, rather than an necessity. This is a bit short sighted as if you think about it, it's a form of insurance that if you exercise regularly you can reduce the risk of getting certain diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and certain cancers. A gym membership can help lay down the foundations of a strong body both in mind and spirit, helping you cope with stress better and reduce the risk of getting depression and anxiety or controlling it better if you already have these, as during exercise the body produces hormones that make you feel better in yourself and during exercise you're focused on the task at hand rather than dwelling on more negative thoughts sitting at home. You are strengthening your body to be able to cope better as you age and reduce the risk of falls and continue to enjoy a good quality of life. Also the social side can be great and all that support from your fitness instructors and fellow class/gym buddies shouldn't be underestimated. So if you're thinking of ditching that gym membership to save a bit of money, maybe it's time to reconsider as you maybe losing out more than you will be gaining in the long run.

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