Friday 16 January 2015

Lack of Exercise is Twice as Deadly as Obesity

According to a new study conducted by Cambridge University, lack of exercise is twice as deadly as being obese. A study of 3334,000 people from across Europe, with the average age of around 50, was conducted over a 12 year period. The researchers estimated that 337,000 of the 9.2 million deaths amongst men and women in Europe each year was caused by obesity but twice this number could be blamed on lack of physical activity. They discovered doing even small amounts of exercise a day, burning as little as 100 calories, such as a brisk walk for 20 minutes had major health benefits and reduced the risk of premature death. However the researchers still advised that we should still be doing more than this to fully get the health benefits that physical activity can offer such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

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