Thursday 18 December 2014

My Top 5 tips to looking great in that 'little black dress'

It's the party season and it's that time of year when ladies dust down their 'little black dresses' and attend those festive parties. However shock horror, you may not feel that confident as you've gained a few pounds since last year and you haven't stepped foot into a gym or dance studio for some time. But don't despair, there's still time to look great in that 'little black dress'. 1). Do squats-This exercise is the king of butt exercises, as it works all the muscles of the butt, making it more toned and uplifted. Not only that it hits the muscles in the legs too, so you can get toned legs at the same time doing just one exercise! Try doing 2 sets of 15-20 reps with or without weights and build up to 5 sets, with a 30 seconds rest in between. 2). Dead lifts-use either a bar-bell or dumbells, this works the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. Ensure you have a slight bend in your knees and slowly and with control bend at the hips, lengthening the spine and keeping the weights close to your body and go down as far as you can, breathing in. Breath out and keep your stomach muscles tight as you slowly return to a standing position. Do 2 sets of 15-20 reps and build up to 3 -5 sets. 3.) Plank-this Pilates exercise works the core muscles, helping to strengthen and tone the stomach muscles. Lay prone on the floor and lift yourself off the floor having your forearms supporting you and on the balls of your feet. Ensure you draw your belly button towards your spine, keep your stomach tight and remember to breath. Ensure your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are in alignment. To make it easier rest one or both knees on the floor. Do 3 sets of 10 - 20 seconds. Progression will be increase the time spent in plank. 4). Push ups- If squats is the King of the lower body then this is the King of the upper body. This exercise hits the chest but also helps tone the shoulders and triceps. Who doesn't want toned and honed shoulders and arms when wearing that strapless dress. There are various levels the easier one is on your knees with your hips forward and in line with your shoulders. Hands are one and a half shoulder widths apart and hands are inline with the chest. Harder version is the same position but off your knees. The shoulders, hips, knees and ankles should be inline. Bend your arms until they are at a 90 degree angle, with elbows in line with shoulders and sticking out to the sides, then with control push yourself back up, ensuring you don't lock out your elbows and keeping your body in alignment. Aim to do 2 sets of 6-10 reps and progress to 15-20 reps of 3 sets as you get stronger. 5). Stand up straighter- posture is really important and if you ensure that your ears, shoulders, hips, knees are in alignment than you will instantly look slimmer and the bonus is that if your posture is good, there's less strain on your lower spine, therefore less chance of getting back pain. Try doing a mini circuit incorporating these exercises. Do them in this order:- Squats, Push ups, Dead lifts and planks. Do all exercises back to back and rest for 30 seconds before doing again. Do 3-4 circuits in total. Doing the exercises in a continuous pattern will help keep the heart rate up and burn body fat as it becomes an aerobic exercise. Try adding a sprint on the spot for 30 seconds as well to get your heart rate up even more and burn some extra body fat.

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