Tuesday 11 March 2014

How Music can help give you better workouts

According to a study by Sweatband.com the average workout lasts 19 minutes longer if you are listening to music. The poll surveyed 1,621 regular exercisers and asked whether they listened to music while working out. Many from the 61% who did, said they saw noticeable benefits from using music while exercising such as being 'distracted from the pain/intensity' of the work-out and helping to 'break up the monotony'. Researchers also asked them how long they spent working out for. The results showed that those who didn't listen to music exercised for about 39 minutes, while those who used music worked out on average for 58 minutes. Maz Darvish, CEO of Sweatband.com said, "We tend to unconsciously pick up our pace and exercise rate if listening to a fast-paced tune that we enjoy but it also helps to pass the time quicker." The study also found dance music to be the most favoured genre with 31% choosing that over other styles of music. Personally I prefer a bit of rock and metal to get me moving, but whatever gets you motivated is great.

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