Friday 14 February 2014

Moderate Exercise can help and prevent Depression

According to recent research from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, moderate exercise can not only help treat depression but can prevent its development in the long term. In the first study of its kind to focus exclusively on the impact exercise has in maintaining positive mental health and its role in preventing depression later on in life, Professor Guy Faulkner and PhD candidate George Mammen's reviewed 26 years of research findings and discovered that even minimum levels of exercise can help prevent depression across all age groups. They acknowledge that other factors can influence the condition such as genetics however there was enough evidence found from the study to conclude that regardless of a person's predispositions, there was a clear implication for everyone. Mammen commented, "It's definitely worth taking note that if you're currently active, you should sustain it. If you're not physically active you should initiate the habit. This review shows promising evidence that the impact of being active goes far beyond the physical."

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