Sunday 22 December 2013

It's Christmas!!!!!

It's that time of year again when it seems all your hard work in the gym, all the sweating in those classes and your diet goes to pot and you feel you've gained a few stone in only a few days! It doesn't have to be like that. Here are my top 5 tips in enjoying your Christmas without putting on too many pounds. 1.) Don't allow Christmas to last too long:- enjoy yourself eat what you want but only for 3-4 days. Don't allow to stuff yourself for over two weeks, which can easily happen if you just sit there and eat leading up to Christmas, than Christmas itself and go through to the new year. 2.) Don't overload the plate for your Christmas dinner-you want to leave room for pudding, and you will comfortably feel full not feel like an over-stuffed turkey! 3.)Take a walk after Christmas dinner-this will burn off a few calories, give you energy and avoid attacking those tin of chocolates too early. 4.) At parties and Christmas tea choose more natural foods such as sea food, lean meats and chicken rather than sausage rolls, spring rolls and pizza which are higher in carbohydrates and saturated fats and lower in good quality proteins. 5.) Get some exercise in between Christmas and new year:- go for a jog or visit the gym. This will make it much easier to restart your fitness regime in the new year rather than having two weeks off and doing nothing. I hope this helps so you can avoid some of the pit falls of the Christmas season. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year. All the best and I will see you all in 2014.

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