Friday 18 January 2013

High Sugar Diet Can Kerb Learning

A study of rats by the University of California found that too much sugar can prevent learning, while omega-3 is thought to boost it. Two groups of rats were fed drinking water laced with a sugar solution. One group was also given flaxseed oil, which contains omega-3, the fatty acid that is found in oily fish. The rats were all given standard rat food to eat for five days before consuming the sugared water. Twice a day the rats were placed in a maze, fitted with markers to help them remember their route. After 6 weeks of testing and feeding them the solution, the study concluded that the rats that were given the flaxseed, navigated the maze much quicker than those that did not receive the omega-3 fatty acids. The rats that were on the sugar solution had a reduced ability to think clearly and to recall the route that they'd learned 6 weeks earlier. They also started to display insulin resistance, which was the most likely cause of their memory loss. This is because insulin helps to regulate how brain cells use and store sugar for the energy that is needed to process thoughts and emotions. So if you want to think more clearly, rather than grabbing an energy drink grab yourself a tuna sandwich or some susi instead!

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