Friday 26 October 2012

Sorry-there's no short cut to losing weight

Despite all the adverts out there in the media, you know the ones, 'eat as much as you like and take this pill twice per day and still lose weight!' Or 'I lost pounds on this new fad diet where all I eat is any foods which are green or blue or whatever....' there is no magic formula to get you to lose weight or get fitter. It's human nature to want to find a short cut and in this age where everything is instant we believe that science must have come up with something by now to avoid having to eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis. However the truth is there are no quick fire solutions. The fad diets will make you lose weight short term but due to their extreme nature can only be done for a short period of time and most of the weight you lose is muscle rather than fat anyway. As soon as you go back to eating normally again the chances are that you will put the weight back on and extra and you will resort to dieting again, hence the phase yo-yo dieting. Your metabolism (speed in which your body burns energy)would have lowered so the body will find it harder to burn calories daily and store as fat instead. The makers of fad diets and pill peddlers are making a fortune on the misplaced hopes and dreams of people looking for a quick fix. It sounds boring and very basic but the only long term and safest way to lose weight is to eat healthily most of the time, drink plenty of water and to exercise regularly (at least 2.5 hours a week minimum). So until there is a real magic pill that can burn fat without eating healthily and exercising the best way is still exercise regularly and eat healthy balanced meals.

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