Saturday 30 June 2012

Food Myths Part 3 - The Final Chapter

1.) Eating small meals are better than three meals a day- According to a 2011 U.S. study, overweight volunteers felt more statisfied and less hungry when they ate three times a day rather than eating six. Another study found that those who ate between meals were 69% more likely to gain weight after five years. The trouble is the more chances you have to eat the more chances you have to over-indulge. Grazing only works if you choose nutritious foods and watch portion sizes. 2.) Exercising makes you eat more- It's natural to get hungry after a work out due to your energy stores being used up. Weight loss or gain depends solely on the amount of energy used versus total calories taken in. You'll only put on body fat if you eat too many calories than your body needs. If you stick to eating three main meals a day with two healthy snacks you can spread the total intake of calories over the whole day. This way you can have a snack after a work out to restore your carbohydrate levels but not adding any additional calories to your daily intake. 3.) Food cravings is your body's way of asking for certain nutritients- There's no known evidence of this. A study carried out found that people tend to crave the foods that they attempt to resist the most, whether that is chocolate or biscuits etc. A healthy balanced diet with a little of what you fancy will help reduce the risk of a pigout!!!!

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