Wednesday 16 May 2012

Resistance Training may help smokers quit.

According to researchers at The Miriam Hospital Centres for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, in Rhode Island in the U.S. smokers who completed a 12 week resistance-training programme were twice as likely to successfully quit the habit compared with those who did not. The study involved 25 male and female smokers between the ages of 18-65 who smoked at least 5 per day for the past year or longer. All received a 15-20 minute smoking cessation counselling session as well as nicotine patches before being placed in two separate groups. The resistance-training group performed two 60 minute training sessions per week for 12 weeks, while the other group watched a brief health and wellness film twice a week. After the 12 weeks not only had 16% of the resistance-training group had quit smoking but they had also decreased their body fat and weight. In the other group only 8% managed to quit and their body fat and weight had increased. So if you want to quit smoking and get fitter ensure you include some resistance-training in your routine to increase the odds of quitting for good and shredding the fat.

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