Wednesday 30 May 2012

Food Myths Part 1

Here are a few nutritional truths regarding some of those misleading myths that get passed around:- 1.) Low Carbohydrate diets are the best way to lose weight- The trouble with restricting your carb intake is that you may lack the energy to do an effective work out due to the fact that the main source of energy for the body is from carbs and the body needs a regular supply to fuel muscles and replenish glycogen stores. The only safe way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you burn, regardless of the percentage of carbs you're eating. Think of it this way-would you expect your car to go if you didn't give it any fuel-of course not, so why think your body can? 2.) Eating late causes weight gain- There is little evidence to suggest that your metabolism is slower in the evening. It's the total daily calorie intake not when you eat it that matters. As long as you do not take in more calories than you burn, you will not gain weight. If you exercise in the evening you must eat something afterwards to replenish energy stores and promote recovery. Just ensure you stick to sensible portion sizes. 3.) Eggs causes high cholesterol- Many studies over the past 20 years have proved there's no evidence to link cholesterol in food with high blood cholesterol for most people. Rather it's a diet high in saturated fats, lack of exercise and being overweight that causes high blood cholesterol. Eating up to two eggs a day has been shown to aid weight control as it causes a feeling of fullness so you eat less calories throughout the day. I hope you find this useful and I will be posting another 3 food myths next week.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Great Outdoors

At last summer seems to be here (for the moment any way). While the sun's out why not take your training outside. Who wants to be working out in a gym when you could be doing it outside. Studies have shown that the body and mind respondes well outside where you can reconnect with nature. Also you can get some sunlight that will provide a natural source of vitamin D for maintaining strong bones and teeth and can help with improving mood. Combining your exercising in the great outdoors will enhance the experience and lift your mood. Try taking a jog around the local park or bike it around the woods. Use the local park benches and playground equipment for a resistance workout such as chin ups, tricep dips and push ups. Try out a local outdoor class such as boot camp or Tai Chi- the only limit is your imagination. If you choose to train outside don't forget to wear sun protection and carry water. Come on get out of the house and start exercising outside before it starts raining again).

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Resistance Training may help smokers quit.

According to researchers at The Miriam Hospital Centres for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, in Rhode Island in the U.S. smokers who completed a 12 week resistance-training programme were twice as likely to successfully quit the habit compared with those who did not. The study involved 25 male and female smokers between the ages of 18-65 who smoked at least 5 per day for the past year or longer. All received a 15-20 minute smoking cessation counselling session as well as nicotine patches before being placed in two separate groups. The resistance-training group performed two 60 minute training sessions per week for 12 weeks, while the other group watched a brief health and wellness film twice a week. After the 12 weeks not only had 16% of the resistance-training group had quit smoking but they had also decreased their body fat and weight. In the other group only 8% managed to quit and their body fat and weight had increased. So if you want to quit smoking and get fitter ensure you include some resistance-training in your routine to increase the odds of quitting for good and shredding the fat.