Wednesday 17 August 2011

Double the Chances of Quiting Smoking by Weight Training

According to new research a weight training regime can help double the chances of smokers kicking the habit.

Research published by The Miriam Hospital in Rhode Island, USA, follow on from previous studies that aerobic exercise can reduce cravings for cigarettes as well as controlling weight gain after giving up.

The study followed 25 male and female smokers between the ages of 18 and 65 who reported smoking at least five cigarettes a day for at least one year.

The participants received a 15-20 minute smoking cessation counselling session as well as an eight-week supply of nicotine patches before being placed into two random groups.

For 12 weeks the resistance training group engaged in two, 60 minute training sessions per week.

The full-body routine involved 10 exercises, with researchers gradually increasing weight and intensity every three weeks. Participants in the control group watched a brief health and wellness video twice a week.

At the end of the 12 weeks, 16 per cent of smokers in the weight training group had not only quit smoking, but had also lost weight and body fat.
In comparison, just eight per cent of individuals in the control group had quit smoking and also reported an increase in their body weight and fat ratios.

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