Monday 28 February 2011

How can you get a flat stomach/6 pack?

I often get asked this question but it's not as simple as just doing a few 'sit ups' everyday.
Everyone always thinks about exercising to burn body fat but often forget the nutritional side of things.

About 80% of getting a flatter stomach or 6 pack is nutrition.  Of course cardio exercises such as kick boxing and jogging will help burn body fat and resistance training using free weights or body weight will help build muscle, which in turn will help burn fat at rest but if nutrition is neglected then you will never reach your goal.  You could have the strongest ab muscles but if they're hidden behind a layer of fat then they can't be seen.

In order to help get rid of this fat you need to eat plenty of veg and lean protein sources such as chicken, fish and meat, ensuring you don't overload your body with too much carb rich foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta.  However carbs are needed in order to give your body enough energy to perform exercise so don't cut them out altogether.

Ensure you keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 2 litres of water a day and avoiding high sugar fizzy/sports drinks. 

Avoid fatty foods and cook your meat by baking, grilling or stir-frying rather than frying.  Avoid sweets,  cakes and too much cheese.

So if you combine cardio, resistance training and eat healthily you stand more of a chance of achieving your fitness goal.

Get in touch if you need any further help or advice in reaching your fitness goals.

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